Eddy Paape was born in 1920 and began his career creating animated cartoons in the small Belgian animation studio in which André Franquin, Smurf creator Pierre Culliford and Maurice de Bévère ('Morris') also gained their first experience as draughtsmen. By the time the studio closed in 1946 Paape was already working for the magazine "Spirou", illustrating the detective series "Valhardi" until 1954.
Paape made his reputation in 1966, illustrating the popular science fiction series Luc Orient", scripted by Michel Regnier ('Greg'), for Tintin magazine. Luc Orient was a '70's era "Flash Gordon" which developed a cult following in some countries. The strip ran through 18 episodes.
Paape never repeated his success with Luc Orient, despite drawing "Tommy Banco" and "Yorick" for Greg in 1970 and 1971 and "Udolfo" for A.P. Duchateau in 1978.
Eddy Paape now teaches beginning draughtsmanship for comics in the renowned Institute Saint Luc in Brussels.
written by Andy Etris
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